Thursday, December 9, 2010

"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place." ~Zen

This quote means a lot. I take it as everything happens for a reason. We humans were set on this earth for a specific task to complete for God, and in our life time we will be completeing this task. And i feel if in our lifetime we don't complete this task then we will be sent to the underworld. Now I know that you can repent and be cleaned of all your sins, but God sent you down to complete this one task and this task is your reason for living. This task is you. If you don't complete this task it's almost as if God sent you down for the wrong reasons. Then i feel like I'm contradicting myself by saying if God was the one that messed up you should get a second chance at life. Buy God is supposed to be perfect? So therefore he wouldn't ever send someone down for the wrong task. So thats why I feel if you fail you stray down the wrong path of life, you begin to question Gods authority and thats when you are sentenced to the underworld for all eternity. But if you repent shouldn't you be given a second chance? God will always forgive you if you repent? So say you don't complete your task and you repent and you're not forgivin, wouldn't that make you question the authority of God? But God will never send someone down for the wrong reasons. You yourself are the one that strays from the task and questions the reason you're here. God knows why you're here, and he wants you to complete the task of life. The reason you live. The reason you're here. To sum it up I think God has set every single person on this earth for a specific reason and task to complete for him. Whatever it is, it can be anything but God sent you to do this one thing.

1 comment:

  1. I have come to think if this situation in this way: perhaps it was God's reasoning that by our failing the task, we would learn something valuable (humility is a good one) or that the failure ultimately directs us to another task where we feel we have succeeded.
