Sunday, February 13, 2011

Biggest fear is fear itself

In church the other day my Sunday school teacher asked me what my biggest fear was. It wasn't till after I said a goofy answer like "girls" that I actually thought of this. Now I've heard this before that the only real fear is fear itself. If you think about it there's truthness to it and there's somewhat a contradictory to it. Nobody wants to be afraid. Fear is a scary thing and when you are feared of something, that one thing can haunt your everyday life. Now I was thinking about this and I thought ' Well now, if someone was afraid of fear then it's almost as if that person would be to afraid to do anything, because they'd be afraid to. then when you look deeper you see that if you are afraid of fear itself, boom your afraid right there and then. Now I think the biggest fear is fear on a much bigger scale. Sports is a great example. being afraid to fail at the big game. being afraid to mess up at your bands first gig. I thinks it's these fears on a bigger scale that people are afraid of.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The New Elements

The wind is blowing
The rain is flowing
The lawn I am mowing
Isn't really showing

The water is cold
Beware is what I was told
Into poverty I was sold
I need a hand to hold

The earth is warm
I feel new born
During this storm
In the morn'

I feel the air
My skin is bare
I sit and stare
In my chair

Written by Matthew Proulx and Timothy Hand.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place." ~Zen

This quote means a lot. I take it as everything happens for a reason. We humans were set on this earth for a specific task to complete for God, and in our life time we will be completeing this task. And i feel if in our lifetime we don't complete this task then we will be sent to the underworld. Now I know that you can repent and be cleaned of all your sins, but God sent you down to complete this one task and this task is your reason for living. This task is you. If you don't complete this task it's almost as if God sent you down for the wrong reasons. Then i feel like I'm contradicting myself by saying if God was the one that messed up you should get a second chance at life. Buy God is supposed to be perfect? So therefore he wouldn't ever send someone down for the wrong task. So thats why I feel if you fail you stray down the wrong path of life, you begin to question Gods authority and thats when you are sentenced to the underworld for all eternity. But if you repent shouldn't you be given a second chance? God will always forgive you if you repent? So say you don't complete your task and you repent and you're not forgivin, wouldn't that make you question the authority of God? But God will never send someone down for the wrong reasons. You yourself are the one that strays from the task and questions the reason you're here. God knows why you're here, and he wants you to complete the task of life. The reason you live. The reason you're here. To sum it up I think God has set every single person on this earth for a specific reason and task to complete for him. Whatever it is, it can be anything but God sent you to do this one thing.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Voice of Reason

The more you reason the less you create. Think about it. The voice of reason is like your consience telling you to not do this or to not do that. And when you ask your self what is the reason for doing this and the more you think about it the more less likely you are to do this thing. Well my view on this is to just live. Why does there need to always be a reason for doing something? Why can't people just live in the now? Live in the moment.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it."~Andre Gide

It's almost as if he's saying that you can't find the truth. I feel he's saying that you can't find the truth but more the truth is inside of you. That when you are seeking truth in one matter that you are right, but when you think you know the answer, your wrong. Almost as if nobody knows the truth. The truth is unknown to all questions. The superiors have "thought" they found the answers but eventually we will have proven them wrong. It's almost as if we won't find the answers for our questions till our time is up. Till we are no more. The truth is unknown.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Social Networks- Controlling Life?

Some friends brought this to my issue, is certain technology controling your life? More than likely it probably is. More than likely it's social networking that is controlling your lifestlye. Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter are all perfect examples of social networks that may or may not control your life. I never really thought these would be controlling, especially not facebook. But as I have looked into the issue I must agree with my friend. These networks are cruel, judgemental and gossip filled life ruiners, (for some people). Most people go on there for gossip I must say but then again these people that post these things are practically giving away their rights for privacy. For some people though, facebook is there place to go to talk to family members that they may not be able to talk to on a regular basis. But I feel that yes this is true for some people, but for our youth, this is a different story. I feel as if the youth today has corrupted facebook with gossip and harsh posts that are judgemental and hurtfull to other people. It's almost as if it's a constant battle for the top dawg on facebook. Who has the most friends, who talks to who, whats she saying about him, ect. So what i'm trying to say is the social networks in our age have become to corrupt and we mustn't take advantage of the gossip and the wrong doings of some people. Don't let facebook control you. It was made to reconnect with people from the past. Have fun with it, but don't abbuse it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Letting Go

Some people hold on to grudges, some people never let go of that special someone, and some people never forget that horrific day or accident. I say why? Why let yourselves relive that terrible feeling or memory again and again? Now I'm not saying don't completely forget about this one thing that keeps your mind occupied and distraught. But keep it on the back burner. Maybe for a rainy day when your by yourself and you've got nothing better to do than to go back into your past. I'm even saying keep those good memories on the back burner. It's time to live in the now. The things that occupy your mind right now are the things that matter most. So what do you say? Let's keep our mind away from the past and live in the present. Your life will be more fulfilling.